Based on Lyrics


L'arbre de la disparition, per Sassofono e Declamatore (7 min 30) 2005 pdf

Composition based on a text by Jean Portante (2004)

L'étrange langue, per Declamatore e Bandonéon (8 min 30) 2004 pdf

Composition on a text by Jean Portante

A fairy Tale, per Voce e Quartetto d'Archi (13 min) 2002-2004 pdf

Composition inspired by Shakespeare's A midsummernights dream

Guduyábu, for mixed choir a capella (6 min 30) 2003 pdf

Composition inspired by the creation story from the Australian aborigines

Maitre Tsa, mini opera, for children between 5 and 14 (30 min) 2003 pdf

Composition on a text by Lydia Chagoll

Point d'Appui, per Violino o Viola, Declamatore ed Elettronico (10 min) 1999

Composition on a text by Jean Portante

Moordende Wals, per Soprano, Mezzo e 6 Strumenti (6 min) 1998

Composition inspired on texts by Lydia Chagoll and Jean Portante

Sinfonia 1 "Le Journal intime", per Mezzo, Armonico a Manticino ed Orchestra (13 min) 1998 pdf

Double concerto based on a text by Jean Portante

La vieille dame et la fille nomade, Evocazione lirica (52 min) 1998 pdf

Composition on a text by Lydia Chagoll

Een pimpelpaarse wiebelfiets, for Children Choir, Piano, Stringcontroller, Woodwindcontroller and Keycontroller (4 min) 1996

Composition on a text by Marc De Bel

The black Lark's Ballad, a tribute to Frank Zappa (12 min) 1995

Contribution to a Frank Zappa tribute concert by 5 composers

Hombre alado, for Soprano, Baryton, Male Choir, Woodwind Controller, String Controller and Keyboard (90 min) 1995 pdf

Composition for a choreography by José Besprosvany

Atlas, per Tenore, Viola, Fagotto, Marimba e Gravicembalo (14 min) 1994

Composition inspired by Gerard Mercator's Atlas, or a geographicke description of the world (Amsterdam 1636)

Prometeo, for Baryton, Male Choir, Woodwind Controller, 3 Keyboards, Tape and Live Electronics (15 min) 1994 pdf

Composition for a choreography by José Besprosvany

The Petrifying Blue, chamberopera, for Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor, Baryton, Bass-Baryton, Chamber-Choir and Orchestra (75 min) 1992 pdf

Composition based on a text by Hugo Segers

Non e finita la Commedia, per Coro misto ed Elettronico (10 min 30) 1991

Composition inpired by quotes from the international history of literature.

Mowgli, per Voce Meso e Pianoforte (15 min) 1990

Composition on text by Rudyard Kipling

Found 17 compositions for Based on Lyrics