
per Quartetto d'Archi

Track Record

Program Notes

Quantsi, a commission by Mark Delaere for the Transit Festival 2004, is a contamination of Quartet and Transit, with a slight irregularity at the end. As such, its title reflects the main concepts and the structure of the entire piece. Indeed, the composition is built on a permanent morphing through 4 harmonic scales, which themselves have been derived from the spectral analysis of the 4 base materials a string instrument is made of: string, wood, metal and skin. Parallel with these evoluating spectra, a metrical morphing is going on, causing always new rythms to appear. And on top of that, a morphing of the overall timbre takes place by subtle modifications in the articulation of the sound. Or, to put it differently, 4 musicians quantising a continuously moving world.


Duration:ca 13 min
Instruments:2 Violins

Performance materials

pdf Download the score

ppt Download the handouts of the presentation